Jerry Valentine: Building Community and Character

Creating Change Through Business: Jerry Valentine’s Strategies

On the latest episode of the Building Better Business podcast, Dr. Glenn Bryan delved into an inspiring conversation with Jerry Valentine, the visionary founder and CEO of Renter Mentor. Jerry’s journey is a testament to how self-awareness, purpose, and a drive to create systemic change can transform industries. In this reflective dialogue, Jerry detailed his transition from physical therapy student to a pivotal player in the affordable housing sector. Here, we expand on Jerry’s thought-provoking insights and the role of purpose-driven business in creating meaningful change.


A Journey of Self-Discovery and Learning

Jerry Valentine’s journey began at Ohio University, where he studied physical therapy. However, like many college students, Jerry realized that his passion lay elsewhere. He leveraged the university’s flexible academic structure to combine his physical therapy coursework with communications, honing his ability to articulate complex ideas in understandable ways. “You can never learn how to talk too much and talk great,” Jerry reflected.

This shift was not merely a change in academic focus but a foundational step toward his current entrepreneurial ventures. It underscored the importance of self-discovery during formative years and how understanding one’s strengths and passions can chart a successful career path.

Bridging Passion with Purpose

Post-graduation, Jerry moved to Columbus, Ohio, where he sought to align his work with his passion. He founded the nonprofit Get Out Network, aiming to educate underserved youth in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). This venture was more than just a career move; it was Jerry’s way of giving back to the community by providing educational opportunities that he himself valued growing up.

However, the financial pressures of adulthood, including losing his parent’s insurance, necessitated a more stable income. Fortuitously, a casual dinner conversation led Jerry to a position at the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority. Starting as a receptionist, Jerry was strategically positioned to learn the intricacies of the affordable housing industry from the ground up. This role, Jerry noted, was pivotal in his understanding of the sector and laid the groundwork for Renter Mentor.

The Birth of Renter Mentor

Founded out of a recognition that the affordable housing sector needed systemic change, Renter Mentor was Jerry’s entrepreneurial response to the industry’s gaps. The company leverages technology to connect tenants with affordable housing opportunities, offering a much-needed lifeline to those navigating complex housing markets.

Renter Mentor is a for-profit enterprise with a social mission—a testament to how businesses can balance profitability with purpose. Jerry’s work aligns with the importance of marketplace trust, a cornerstone of the Better Business Bureau, which recognized Renter Mentor with the Spark Award in 2021.

Systemic Change and Disruption

Jerry’s vision extends beyond Renter Mentor. He sees himself as part of a movement to bring systemic change to the real estate industry, an industry he believes is ripe for disruption. “The more licenses and certifications that I can get to position myself… to challenge the real estate space… that is what I’m supposed to do,” Jerry asserted.

This disruption is not just technological but also cultural, advocating for greater diversity in voices and ideas. Jerry’s approach underscores the significance of diverse perspectives in driving industry change and highlights the ongoing evolution within sectors resistant to transformation.

Leadership, Self-Awareness, and Continuous Learning

Leadership, as Jerry exemplifies, requires self-awareness and humility. Entrepreneurs often face the pitfall of attributing success solely to themselves, leading to hubris. Jerry emphasizes the importance of mentors and continuous learning, helping to avoid this trap and fostering a culture of growth and development.

Jerry’s advice to budding entrepreneurs is to know oneself deeply. “Set boundaries, don’t waste time, and learn from every experience,” he advised. This self-awareness not only enhances personal growth but also ensures that one’s business ventures align with their core values and mission.


Jerry Valentine’s story is a compelling narrative of how purpose and passion can drive entrepreneurial success and systemic change. His journey from a university student to an industry disruptor in affordable housing illustrates the potential of purpose-driven business to foster societal betterment. For young entrepreneurs, Jerry’s reflections offer a roadmap to integrating personal values with professional endeavors, proving that meaningful change begins with understanding and acting on one’s true purpose.

About Jerry Valentine

Jerry Valentine is a social entrepreneur from Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the Founder and current CEO of Renter Mentor, a software company that helps connect people to affordable housing and other supportive services.

He is a certified U.S. Housing Consultant with the National Association of Home Builders and brings extensive affordable housing knowledge and experience to the industry. He’s also pending registration approval as a Real Estate Appraiser Assistant with the state of Ohio.

As an active community member and volunteer in Columbus, Ohio, Jerry is a Fall 21′ Project REAP graduate, a 2022 OPEN Access Fellow for the Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing, and currently a board member for Physician Care Connections. Jerry is dedicated to continuing making community impact through servant leadership and advancing affordable housing and diversity equity and inclusion in the real estate industry.

He has been honored and recognized by Ohio University by receiving a Man of Black Excellence Alumni of the Year Award; ComSpark of Central Ohio as a part of the inaugural class of 30 under 30 Power Tech Player honorees; and most recently by PACT as a Near East Side Leadership Academy graduate.